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Do Something


As Kamala Harris's mother said to her: DO SOMETHING.


I personally do not want to wake up the morning after the election feeling like I did in 2016, so I'm going to work as hard as I can to make sure that Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States!


If you feel the same, choose an action that will benefit the Harris - Walz campaign and do it. Then do another!


Here are some ideas. You do not have to do them all, but please pick at least one!​​


Donate to the Harris Walz campaign


Find the link on her official site: and donate what you can. Even a very small donation ($5) can make a difference.


Or donate using my ActBlue fundraising page:​


Set up a fundraiser


Creating a fundraiser can be easier than you might think! Organize a bake sale, set up a yard sale, tell your friends that you'd like to raise money for the election and ask them to chip in!


You can even create your own ActBlue fundraising page for Kamala (like I did)!  It's relatively easy to follow the instructions on the ActBlue site to create a community form


You can use an ActBlue fundraising page in many ways. Share the link to easily ask friends, your social media circles, etc to join you in supporting Kamala Harris. I chose to incentivize my donors by giving them a chance to win a prize (20 bars of soap) for every $10 donation.


If you offer a prize, it doesn't need to be something that you craft -- maybe you have, say, a framed piece of art you can give up, or you can offer a service (powerwash their house) or bake brownies for the winner  or even offer a mystery prize. Be creative!


You might set up a friendly competition with groups of friends to see who can raise the most money for Kamala.


You might be surprised by the number of people who would be willing to donate if someone they trusted asked them to!


Register voters

Find out how to register new voters in your state by consulting this non-partisan site


Registering young voters in high schools can be incredibly impactful. Here is a guide that was created for Portland, Oregon, but much of it applies everywhere.


Makers for Harris

If you are a maker and are willing to donate all or a portion of your sales (for a particular product or your entire site), then DM me at and I will promote it on the Makers for Harris page!


Not a maker? Browse through the eclectic selection (like, comment, follow and buy) to support these fundraisers!


Throw a party

I have friends who periodically organize very fun cocktail parties as fundraisers. They provide the space, signature cocktails and delightful appetizers and state upfront the suggested donation ($30).


Like-minded friends get a chance to socialize and feel great about it! â€‹


Write letters to voters

​Writing letters to voters is my favorite form of activism, because I can do it at home with a mug of hot tea. Sign up to write letters to votes with Vote Forward


They make is so easy and their results are proven to be effective. You are simply encouraging voters in winnable areas to vote by telling them why it's important to you! 


(Depending on my mood, I might write a version of this: "As a mom, it's important to me that the next generation enjoy the rights that I've come to take for granted: the right to plan a family, the right breathe clean air, the right to work for a living wage, the right to make decisions for my children. I know that for some, it's "just one vote" but to me, it is my power to choose a future in which the people I care about will prosper!")



I love  Vote Save America, which provides many ways in which to engage. Whether you're interested in canvassing, text banking, etc, sign up to learn more! (they also provide a number of links to raise money to swing the house or senate our direction).



If you're an Oregonian, check out the work of my friends at Indivisible Oregon. They provide many opportunities to save democracy with events like letter-writing, canvassing for Janelle Bynum and phone banking.


Get others engaged

Start a group text of like-minded people and just keep in touch and keep each other motivated in the next few months. Organize a letter-writing gathering. Talk to each other about what you're doing and root for each other! (I've been on a group chat with the same group of women for the last four years -- it's our democracy club. We are all active in different ways)​​​​


Put up a yard sign

Seeing neighborhood enthusiasm can sway an undecided voter. Consider purchasing directly from the campaign or at least a seller that sends at least a portion of their profits to Harris's campaign.


Wear a Harris-Walz pin

Or a hat or a t-shirt, if you are able to in your area. Be proud of your support!



Send them my way! Let's figure out how to get you activated!


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